Real Food Clean Eating PLR 10 Day Ecourse

Real Food Substitutions for a Cleaner Diet...

Many individuals are becoming more aware of the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Clean eating is a movement of taking your diet back to the basics, and cutting out all the extras such as processed and packaged meals, fast food and refined flours and sugars.

When you begin eating clean, you will likely deal with cravings for the old, unhealthy foods you used to fill yourself with. It helps to have a list of healthy alternatives that you can eat instead. Here are some ideas for substitutions of some of the common culprits in our modern diet.


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Table Salt and Unhealthy Sauces

Instead of covering your meal in ketchup, barbecue sauce, or salt, cook it with herbs and spices. When your meal is filled with various flavors, your taste buds will not feel as though they are lacking in any way. As an added bonus, herbs contain many vitamins that will benefit your body in a variety of ways.


There are many ways to satisfy your sweet tooth when eating clean. If you are baking, use unsweetened apple sauce instead of sugar. Maple sugar flakes are delicious, and taste great sprinkled over any item - giving you a burst of satisfying flavor without the downsides of refined sugar.

Real Food 10 Day PLR Ecourse:  Clean Eating


  1. Clean Lunch Ideas for the Whole Family

  2. Clean Snacks That Will Keep You on Track

  3. Food Substitutions for a Cleaner Diet

  4. Getting Back on Track after You Fall Off

  5. How to Adjust Almost Any Recipe to Be Clean

  6. How to Choose Clean Dairy and Dairy Substitutes

  7. Money-Saving Tips When Trying to Eat Clean

  8. Overcoming Junk Food Cravings

  9. Superfoods to Work into Your Menus

  10. Things to Keep on Hand in Your Clean-Eating Pantry


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Real Food Clean Eating PLR 10 Day Ecourse...

Price: $8.95

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