Beekeeping PLR 10 Day Ecourse

Beekeeping 10-Day Ecourse PLR...


There are a lot of places today in which to learn about beekeeping. There is a plethora of information in all forms, online and offline. The one thing to understand is that there are a lot of strong opinions and whether it is safe, better, or preferred.


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Email 1

Subject: Beekeeping - Where to get help and advice

Dear [Name],

Try to weed through the information and check sources before trying anything suggested with your bees.

Online Forums and Groups

A very simple Google search will return a lot of resources. The best way to search is to focus on information local to you. So, do a search such as "in my country or my state" and you’re likely to find more relevant information. On Facebook, you can find many groups too, both local and not. One such group for beginners is here:

Courses and Classes

Locally, you’ll probably be able to find a lot of courses for through your association. Below are some links to check out. You can also get a list of many associations in the USA.

Books and Magazines

There are many books and magazines. Here are a couple to check out:

* Bee Culture Magazine: The Beekeeping Resource Leader -
* The American Bee Journal -


10 Day PLR Ecourse:  Beekeeping...


  1. Where to get help and advice 

  2. How to keep your bees healthy

  3. Common mistakes beekeepers make

  4. Pests and diseases in honeybees

  5. How to avoid getting stung

  6. Harvesting your honey

  7. How to extract beeswax

  8. Six honey recipes

  9. 12 uses for home-grown beeswax

  10. Making money 




Beekeeping PLR 10 Day Ecourse...

Price: $8.95

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