Starting Your Own Business Starts with a Blog

starting your own business


When Starting Your Own Business, Your Business Blogging is Vital…



Why? Because all those pages and posts are your connection to your market of people, and how else do you reach them, except to provide the information, help, products or services they want via your content.



It’s the reason we are here with this Mom Blogger PLR content shop, so that we can help our fellow mompreneurs and people in business connect to their markets of people through a business blog.



Starting your own business means you need help and tools and PLR is one of the best to get you ahead by creating more time in your day, and bringing more exposure to your business with an active and entertaining blog.



As an idea, think of the time it takes to create just one page on a business site, and that you have to have numerous pages and blog posts to even be considered a real brand by Google, and now you have a pretty large task in front of you starting off.



business First, why is blogging good for starting your business?



A blog is a business tool…



You have to understand that the Internet and Google and search engines are all about the words the business people/blogger chooses to use, and what people choose to enter into a search.



Think About This Idea…Business Blogging Gives You Power!



You, starting your own business, have the power to choose just the right words to bring just the right people to your site, and then those people discover you and your business, products or services. With business blogging, you have an opportunity to choose these words every day and publish them, giving those Google Spiders something to find and serve up to the people.




A static business site does not have this power.




startingAs another idea to help in starting your own business, a blog is a built in network…



Through starting blogging, you also have the ability to connect to all of those other bloggers or business people out there. Just by visiting 5-10 sites a day, and leaving them thoughtful and meaningful comments, you can inspire them to visit you.   You can actively make personal connections with people everyday, with a small amount of effort.



Starting a business blog builds relationships and trust with people…



These days, people want to know the people behind the business, and with a blog, you have the ability to offer that authentically and naturally. You can really be yourself, providing personal insight, information and value, all while drawing attention to your business on the side.



Starting Your Own Business Authentically with the Idea of Help Through Promotional Balance & Trust.



A blog is that perfect idea of help as a balance of just a little business promotion in a behind the scenes fashion, and then building those personal relationships more of the time, that bring people to trust you, and then trust your business.



ideaSecond, how do you find time to do all of this writing and networking that is so good for your business?



As an idea to help, you use Mom Blogger PLR to help you post more often, and to give you more time to network, attend to social media, build relationships with people, and write that original content from a starting position, rather than from scratch.



Here’s a reminder of what blogging is for your business help…




The Ultimate Idea of Help in Starting Your Own Business.



Simply put, blogging will help you, and PLR will help you more by giving you time.  More time means you can accomplish all of those necessary tasks you have in running your business, marketing it, and taking care of your family.



Get started right now with some FREE PLR  by subscribing…



Third, starting your own business means you need help with exposure to the people in your market, and the right content can do that.





Best Idea: Business Exposure Help is What You Need in Starting!



Here at Mom Blogger Private Label Rights, we’re not only providing business people head start posts, content marketing, product building and sales for you, we’re working on special products for your business exposure, as well as a resource and help to starting off with the right words for your market of people and Google.



BLOGmoda My Blog is Courtney’s Etsy Business Shop, and your starting answer in business, where you receive personal attention and help with a Business Consult, Proper Niche Keyword Research, On-Page SEO Business Content Outline Action Plan & Step-By-Step Writing & Publishing instructions for your best SEO presentation.




How many starting in business get to afford starting right?



starting your own business

BLOGmoda My Blog offers Courtney’s custom attention as well as your starting business Utimate Biz Kit, designed to include everything you need in starting business, building a list of subscribers and email marketing, business blogging, keyword research, and social media marketing.


We’ve packaged up all this help in starting your own business for you to gain more exposure, build your lists and get special help to know the important things you should be doing…


ideaUltimate Biz Kit for Ebusiness Includes:

  • 2015 Business Planner Build a List Ebook & Email Marketing Guide
  • Blog Business 101 Ebook
  • How to Keyword with New Google Keyword Planner–Good Idea!
  • How to Keyword also includes your Etsy Shop Specific–Awesome Idea!
  • Social Media Marketing Ebooks & Guides Package listed below. Learn them all, find your strong suits!…
  • Get Your Facebook On Ebook
  • Twitter Your Business Ebook
  • Pinterest for Business Ebook with Checklist
  • Google Plus Step By Step Guide with Checklist
  • YouTube Marketing Guide
  • StumbleUpon Marketing Guide with Checklist, Action Plan & Mindmap


Think of your starting business learning, progress and list growing in a marketplace like this Mercato in Piazza Matteotti…

Are you still thinking that you don’t have time for content marketing and blogging to benefit from all of these opportunities?

If you can publish a blog post just once a week that is optimized for search engines, you will be that much more ahead in your marketing strategy, and we hand this customized, niche specific business keyword plan and PLR content to you. Just shop our Keyword PLR & Google Friendly PLR, and feel confident you’re starting right! Hows that for an idea?!


Courtney & Betina


  1. Elizabeth O. says

    This post is very informative and it’s perfect for those who are planning to monetize their blogs or those who have just started blogging. It’s nice to see posts like this, it’s good that we’re helping each other out!

  2. Cindy Ingalls says

    Tons of great information. We can all use these tools to take our blog to the next step, but this is especially helpful for newbies.

  3. There is a lot of great information here! Thank you for this great post.

  4. having a blog and other social media is indeed a must for every one who do business. it connects you and help you to network to other people with the same interest

  5. Lots of wonderful information here. I think starting a blog for your business is a wonderful idea. Social media is huge as well. If you have a business you’re going to want social media.

  6. Beeb Ashcroft says

    There is so much more to business now than there used to be. You definitely need tools, training and networking if you are ever going to be very successful.

  7. aziel morte says

    Such a lot and a great information that you post, so glad that you share this

  8. Amanda Love says

    I’m going to be honest, I didn’t understand most of what you wrote even though I tried reading it twice. I’m under the assumption that you meant having a blog with a business is good business sense which is true.

  9. Christy Garrett says

    This is super useful. I get ideas from productss or things I see on the Internet. I never considered using PLR for ideas. I might have to give it a try.

  10. So many businesses do have blogs these days. I think it’s a good thing.

  11. Leigh Anne Borders says

    Great strategies. I am in the process of rebranding and looking for new ways to make my blog better.

  12. Starting a blog isn’t easy, but it’s an important part of business for sure.

  13. A lot of great information on this post! I think new businesses can start their own business blog to engage with current/potential customers.

  14. Starting a blog can be very overwhelming. These ideas are surely helpful. Thanks for sharing!

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