Vacation Spending: 17 Ways to Save Money on Transportation When You Are on Vacation...
There are a number of ways to save on transport when you are on vacation.
Plane Travel
1. Save money on tickets
You can save a lot of money on airline tickets if you're flexible with your travel dates. A day or two earlier or later can make a huge difference in the cost. Tuesdays through Thursdays are usually the cheapest days to travel by air.
2. Consider alternate airports
Sometimes, flying into a different airport can save hundreds of dollars per ticket per flight. Larger cities typically have multiple airports.
3. Consider travel to and from the airport as well
Try to save money getting to and from the airport. If you take your car, you will need to pay for parking at the long-term car park. There might be cheap transportation to and from the airport, but it might be cheaper and less hassle to take your car if you have a lot of people and/or a lot of luggage.
4. Don’t overpack
Airlines can charge a small fortune these days for checked baggage. Pack each carry on for each family member carefully for maximum usefulness in the minimum amount of space.
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