Is your child wanting to play baseball, and do you need some baseball tips for parents?
You might be asked to coach your kid's team, and would like some pointers on how to pull that off. And the nice thing about PLR, is that you can re-purpose all of this information and share it to your benefit. Here are some examples of what you can do with your PLR...
- Create a webinar, teleseminar or learning event on Facebook.
- Make handouts for e-coaching or consulting with clients.
- Offer a free download on your blog or blog post for your readers.
- Package PLR content together as a bonus with your products.
- Convert it to PDF, and offer it as an opt-in gift for signing up for your newsletter.
- Use PLR for Facebook and Twitter posts.
- Compile the information as a report with your Affiliate links.
- Create a Discussion Forum, where you post new content to be discussed every day.
- Re-write the content as a press release.
Your Baseball Tips for Parents PLR 10 Pack Special has these informative articles...