Selling a Business 10 Day Ecourse PLR

Are you selling a business?


Do you have an exit strategy for your business? You might be surprised to learn that the best time to create your strategy is actually as you’re writing your initial business plan. That’s right. You want to create your exit strategy BEFORE you start your business.

What Is an Exit Strategy?

An exit strategy is a decision about how you’re going to end your business. It seems like a strange thing to think about when you’re writing your business plan. After all, you’re focused on starting your business and making money, not getting rid of your business or closing it down.


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Why Would You Think about Leaving Your Business Now?

Thinking about, and planning for, the eventual end of your business helps you position your business more effectively. Additionally, it also gives you a clearer picture about the life of your business. And let’s face it, even if you think you’ll own your business forever, life is full of surprises and it’s important to be prepared for them. Having a clear plan in place for your business helps you manage any potential challenges.

Ecourse Details:  Selling a Business 10 Days for your Autoresponder...


1-When is the best time to create your business exit strategy?

2-Making sense of the different exit strategies available

3-Three exit strategy myths you might be guilty of believing

4-The pros and cons of selling your business

5-Should you just close your business down?

6-Sure-fire signs it’s time to exit your business

7-Three tips to price your business to sell

8-Five considerations to make when selling your business

9-How to keep your customers in mind when selling your business

10-Surprising reasons why an exit strategy is necessary


selling a business


Selling a Business 10 Day Ecourse PLR...

Price: $8.95

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