Into Money Saving?...
Scads of people don’t realize just how much money they could save on a daily basis. Many unnecessary costs can actually be reduced or eliminated altogether. Don't be like them. Here are some tips to help you curb your spending, allowing you to add to your piggy bank.
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Subject: Four ways to slow down on spending
Dear [Name],
1. Prepare Your Own Meals
Buying breakfast from a fast food restaurant on your way to work isn’t too expensive on its own. But, doing so even once a week can quickly add up to a significant amount. If you find yourself ordering food every day, consider preparing breakfast or lunch at home so you'll be able to eat when you need to.
Cooking for yourself at home tends to be much cheaper than eating out regularly. This applies to coffee, too. Brewing a thermos full of coffee in the morning will save you the time and money you would spend heading to the nearest coffee shop. Sorry Starbucks!
2. Give Generic a Try
Many stores offer generic or store-brand alternatives to both food and household products. If you see a generic alternative to a product you're shopping for, give it a try at least once. If you like it, you could save money that you would basically be spending on the label otherwise. Some brand-name products contain up to twice as much (in volume) as their generic counterparts, so switching to generic products can lead to significant savings on your grocery bill.
3. Ditch the Disposables
Some of the products you use from day to day are only used once, then thrown away. Paper towels are handy when you want to clean up a mess in a hurry, but reaching for one after every spill can become an expensive habit. Instead of paper towels or napkins, use washable rags or handkerchiefs. Using them will create a bit of extra dirty laundry, but will also cut out the cost of these disposable products altogether.
Money Saving PLR 10 Day Ecourse:
-Four tips for saving money during your vacation
-Four ways to slow down on spending
-Five disposable products with reusable alternatives
-Go green and save
-Save on gas
-Save money on utilities
-Six ways to save on groceries
-Top three ways to save in college
-Cutting expenses after retirement
-Why saving money is worth it