Fitness Walking 10 Day Ecourse PLR

This is your 10 Day Email Series for Fitness Walking!...


You may be tempted to stop walking. However, stopping will also put an end to all of the wonderful health-boosting benefits you’ve been receiving.


Here's your PLR 10 Day Series Content Snippet to check the quality of your purchase:


Are you a goal oriented person? It may sound strange, but setting goals helps you learn more about yourself. You can learn what motivates you, your strengths, and of course your weaknesses too. When it comes to fitness walking, setting goals can help you achieve results more quickly and it can be more fun.

What Do You Want to Accomplish?

The first step for goal setting is to think about what feels motivating to you. What do you want to accomplish? What type of goal might excite you? For example, would you be motivated to train for a 5k? Or are you motivated to reach a certain number of steps each day?


You get these 10 Subject Days to Market to Your List Ready to Go on Fitness Walking...


Ecourse:  Walking Fitness


  1. Tips to make walking more interesting

  2. How to set walking for fitness goals

  3. Tips to track your progress

  4. How to stay motivated

  5. Types of fitness walking

  6. Nutrition and hydration tips

  7. How to walk for fitness when the weather isn’t cooperating

  8. Walking desks – What they are and why they’re good for you

  9. How to get more walking into each day

  10. Taking your fitness walking to the next level – Signs you’re ready to set bigger goals


fitness walking


Walking Fitness 10 Day Ecourse PLR...


Price: $8.95

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