Have a mortgage, and need mortgage tips?
For many people, paying down a mortgage quickly seems like a daunting task. But, if you look at all the little expenditures - a windfall here, an expense to cut there - you might be surprised how they can make a big impact on the rest of your financial life. For many who have done so, the sacrifices are worth it.
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How to Pay Off Your Mortgage Quickly
You’ve weighed the pros and cons and have made the decision – you want to pay off your mortgage quickly. What are the best ways to do so? Here are ten ways to pay off your mortgage quickly.
1) Pay a little extra each month. It doesn’t have to be much - select a set amount that you can afford such as $15 or $25 per month or more, then add it to your usual payment. This will reduce the bill more quickly.
2) Once a year, add an extra mortgage payment or double up.
3) Did you get a tax refund this year? Found money is easy to add into the mortgage.
You get these 10 Mortgage Tips Articles to help you manage your mortgage...
-Eight Common Q & A from First-Time Home Buyers
-Eight Ways to Save Interest on Mortgage Loans
-How Much Does a Bigger Down Payment Save You in Interest?
-How to Lower Your Mortgage Insurance
-How to Pay Off Your Mortgage Quickly
-Pros and Cons of Paying Your Mortgage Off Quickly
-Ten First-Time Home Buyer Mistakes
-Ten Ways to Trim Your Mortgage Costs
-When Is the Best Time to Refinance Your Mortgage?
-Which Is Better — Overpaying Your Monthly Mortgage or Saving the Money?
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