Pet Therapy PLR 10 Articles 10 Bonus Tweets

Common Questions about Pet Therapy & Therapy Pets...

What are therapy pets and are they safe? This is a question that many may be asking when they first hear about this type of program. They are found in schools, nursing facilities, hospitals, prisons, private homes and anywhere the love and presence of a pet would provide support. What are your concerns about therapy pets?

Therapy Pets Are Not Service Animals.


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These two terms are not interchangeable. Service animals are trained for a specific person for specific needs such as blindness, deafness, mental disability, illness and the like. This animal (usually a dog) stays with the individual at all times and are provided certain protections under the law.

Therapy pets, or animal-assisted therapy pets, are there for emotional support, as an adjunct to therapy sessions. They are good for elderly persons, autistic individuals, those suffering from PTSD, cancer patients, mental health patients, children and others. Pet therapy can improve confidence and social interactions, decrease anxiety, and increase teamwork and fine motor skills.

What to Ask When Thinking about Pet Therapy

There are many benefits to using these services. They may have been suggested to you before. Here are common questions and their answers.

10 PLR Pet Therapy Articles:


  1. Equine Therapy: How Horses Can Help

  2. Four Ways a Therapy Pet Can Help the Sick

  3. How Therapy Pets Can Help Those with Mental Health Issues

  4. How to Find a Therapy Pet

  5. How to Train Your Pet to Become a Therapy Pet

  6. Is My Animal Suited to Therapy Work?

  7. Six Common Questions about Therapy Pets

  8. Six Ways a Therapy Pet Can Help Children

  9. Top Ten Therapy Dog Breeds

  10. What Is Pet Therapy?


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