Pests PLR 10 Article Pack Bonus 10 Tweets

Pests are a constant threat to every home.


There are various types of bugs depending on where you live, but the common denominator is that no one wants them there. Here are some ideas and simple tips to keep bugs out of your home and away from your belongings.


Common Pests Articles


  1. How to Bug Proof Your Household Contents

  2. How to Get Rid of Common Bugs Found in the Pantry

  3. Ladybugs in the House – Prevention and Extermination

  4. Mosquito Control Around the Home

  5. Ridding Your Home of Cockroaches

  6. Silverfish Prevention and Control

  7. Stinging Insects and What You Need to Know to Avoid Getting Stung

  8. Termites 101

  9. What to Do When Ants Invade Your Home

  10. What To Do When You Have a Moth Problem


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How to Bug Proof Your Household Contents


Books can be destroyed by insects such as silverfish, cockroaches, and several types of beetles. They consume the proteins and starch in books, and their feces can destroy the materials. To protect your collection, keep your library area well-ventilated to prevent moisture that can attract bugs, and take your garbage to the dump regularly as this attracts nasty book-destroying critters as well.


Clothing can be harmed by insects such as moths. To keep these pests away, keep your clothing clean since they are drawn by soiled fabrics. Launder your clothing in hot water as this will kill any eggs or larvae that may be on them already. Put cedar in your closets as this is a natural moth repellent.


Clothes moths and carpet beetles are some of your worst enemies when it comes to your drapery. Dust mites also flock to drapery and can cause allergic reactions in many individuals. Keeping drapery clean and free of dust and stains is a great start in preventing bugs from damaging them or using them as a home. Using air purifiers deters bugs from living in your drapes as well.


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