Walking Fitness Plan PLR 10 Articles 10 Day Ecourse Package

Do You Have Your Walking Fitness Plan?


There are an abundance of mental, physical, and emotional benefits to walking. In fact, walking has been shown to improve sleep, treat depression, and to reverse chronic health conditions like type 2 diabetes.


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You walk every day. You walk to your car, you walk to your kitchen and maybe you walk your dog. It’s as natural as eating or sleeping, and you’ve probably been walking for a few decades. So it might surprise you to learn that this fundamental way of moving around is actually quite good for your health and well being.

It takes around ten minutes to walk 1000 steps. Doctors recommend about 10,000 steps a day, which is the equivalent of about 100 minutes of exercise. Once you’ve achieved the 10,000 steps a day, you can increase the intensity, steps, and other exercises into your day so that you continue improving your health and fitness.


In this Walking Fitness Plan PLR 10 Article Pack and 10 Day Ecourse Special Package, You'll Get These Articles with a Bonus Marketing Image:


*If you want just Ecourses PLR, you can buy them separately here:


Mom Blogger PLR Ecourses


Report:  Walking Fitness Plan


  1. Walking Is a Simple and Powerful Way to Get In Shape

  2. Five Benefits of Walking

  3. Five More Benefits of Walking

  4. Choosing the Best Walking Shoes

  5. Walking for Fitness Safety Gear

  6. Walking Tips – How to Walk with Proper Form

  7. Stretching Before and After Your Walks

  8. Walking for Fitness - How Long, How Fast, and How Far?

  9. Gadgets for Walking

  10. Creating Your Walking Program



*With Bonus PLR Image, Text and Doc Files


Your 10 Day Ecourse that you can market to your subscribers covers:



Ecourse:  Walking Fitness Plan


  1. Tips to make walking more interesting

  2. How to set walking for fitness goals

  3. Tips to track your progress

  4. How to stay motivated

  5. Types of fitness walking

  6. Nutrition and hydration tips

  7. How to walk for fitness when the weather isn’t cooperating

  8. Walking desks – What they are and why they’re good for you

  9. How to get more walking into each day

  10. Taking your fitness walking to the next level – Signs you’re ready to set bigger goals

walking fitness plan

Walking Fitness Plan PLR Special 10 Article Pack 10 Day Ecourse Package for Only $15...

Price: $15.00

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