Dating Online 10 Day PLR Ecourse

Dating Online 10-Day PLR Ecourse...


Online dating can be a fun thing to do if you do it with safety in mind. It’s not that much different from going on a date with anyone you’ve just met and don’t know well. The first thing you want to do is move from online to offline within a couple weeks of connecting online.


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Subject: Online dating tips for women

Dear [Name],

Don’t Give Out Too Much Personal Information

While most dating sites now require you to verify your information, you don’t have to give out more than your name and general location. Don’t be too open about your activities online in general, to avoid stalkers. You don’t want to start getting "booty call" knocks on your door every night. There are some crazy people in the world, so you need to do what you can to protect yourself - including locking down all your social media profiles if needed.

Meet for Lunch in Public First

Avoid meeting dates in bars or in private residences. The first date should be a "get to know you" type of date, such as a lunch date. It can be a longer date, but skip the movie and go to lunch so that you can talk to the person and get to know them. You can also both pay for yourself for the first date so that there is no pressure on either of you.

Double Date with People You Know

A good idea for the next date is for him to invite a couple of his friends and you invite a couple of your friends for a quadruple double date. This is a good way to judge him in a safer environment and get the opinion of people you love and trust. The same goes for him. If your friends can get along and he’s willing to do this, it will help you get to know each other better.

Don’t Put Up Your Best Picture

When you first get started, don’t put up the very best edited picture of yourself. Do have a flattering photo, but you don’t want highly edited glamor-type shots that obscure your natural looks so much that it changes what you look like. After all, he is going to see you on your first date.


10 Day PLR Ecourse:  Dating Online


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Dating Online 10 Day PLR Ecourse...

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