Abusive Relationships PLR 10 Day Ecourse

Learn to find strength, and make change in your abusive relationships with this 10 Day PLR Ecourse...


Let’s first talk about what abusive relationships are so you can begin this course with an eye toward your own relationships and the relationships your friends and family members have.



1o Day PLR Ecourse:  Abusive Relationships...



  1. What is an abusive relationship?

  2. Signs you’re in an abusive relationship

  3. Different types of abuse

  4. Why people abuse others

  5. Finding strength to make a change

  6. Tips to process your emotions when you’re in an abusive relationship

  7. Can counseling help with an abusive relationship?

  8. Loving yourself is important in any relationship

  9. How to love yourself more

  10. Signs that it’s time to get out of your relationship


Here is a content sample snippet of your Abusive Relationships 10 Day PLR Ecourse:


Subject: What is an abusive relationship?

Dear NAME,

Sometimes it’s easy to define and identify an abusive relationship. Other times, not so much. This is because there are different types of abuse. It’s important to understand that simple fact and to know that you don’t have to tolerate or live with any abuse of any kind.

Abuse is about power. If someone consistently exerts power over another person, that’s abuse. It doesn’t matter if that power is exerted verbally, financially, or through manipulation or physical violence - it’s all abuse.

Relationship abuse is defined as a pattern of abusive and/or coercive behaviors that are used to maintain power and control over another person in the relationship. As mentioned, there are many different types of abuse and it can include threats, isolation, and intimidation.

Generally speaking abuse often begins with small, incidental events. Even physical abuse often begins with threats and intimidation long before it turns physically violent. A person might be threatened occasionally or intimidated, which might turn into a push. Eventually that abuse can get quite physical and seriously dangerous.

So how do you know if you’re in an abusive relationship? Sometimes you just know. You have the bruises to prove it. However, sometimes it can be a little more subtle. As we mentioned, it can and will get worse. Next time we’ll take a look at some of the subtle signs of abuse.


abusive relationships


Abusive Relationships PLR 10 Day Ecourse...


Price: $8.95

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